Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes

Act of Contrition

My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, my King and my Redeemer, in whom I believe and hope and whom I love above all things;

I humbly prostrate before Thy Divine Majesty, I beg pardon for all my sins and ingratitude with which I offended Thee. I know, O Lord, that I am unworthy to appear in Thy presence.

Therefore I come to Thee, through Thy Most Beloved Mother, Whom I beseech to intercede and to obtain for me the remission of all my sins which I detest with my while heart, and firmly resolve by your grace not to commit them again.



O Mary Immaculate, Blessed Virgin of Lourdes, desiring to make this novena with the greatest devotion of my soul, and to answer the call that you made to all your children in the person of the humble Bernadette, I kneel at your feet to listen attentively to your voice, to make known my necessities and seek your powerful protection.

Do not refuse me, my Mother, on account of my unworthiness: look only at the repentance that I feel for having wounded your maternal heart and renewed the Passion of your Most Beloved Son. Come and help me during this novena, to purify my soul and to obtain through your intercession the special grace, which I implore from the Divine Majesty

(Here mention your requests)

And to give thanks to God for all the benefits received by me, and especially for that which is the purpose of this novena.


Petitions to Our Lady of Lourdes

Mary Immaculate! I humbly beseech you to obtain that our faith be every day increased more and more, and that you obtain a beam of divine light for those who sit in the darkness of infidelity. Propagate the kingdom of God all over the world; banish all errors from us, so that the people of our country may make it their constant glory to live in the faith of your most beloved Son, and remain united to the Holy Roman Church until the hour of death, I make this request with humility, reciting the following Hail Mary’s and invocations.

Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with You. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Hail Mary…Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Hail Mary…Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Prayer for the Sick

O powerful Virgin of Lourdes, full of affliction and with tears in our eyes, we fly unto Thee, comforter of the afflicted and health of the sick. Placing in Thee all our confidence, cognizant of the innumerable and wonderful cures made by Thee, not only in Lourdes but all over the world, we humbly prostrate before Thee, in this dreadful hour of distress and sickness, and beseech Thee with all the fervor, faith and devotion of our souls, to hear the supplication which we direct to Thee, in favor of this our beloved patient…

Since Thou hast worked so many cures among your devotee, do Thou make one more, and save this beloved member of our family. Take him from all danger, if it will not be an obstacle to his salvation, and we solemnly promise Thee, to spend the rest of our lives as good and practical Catholics in thanksgiving for Thy powerful patronage.


Virgin of Lourdes…pray for us.

Comforter of the afflicted…pray for us.

Health of the sick…pray for us.

Final Prayer

Immaculate Lady and my Mother, by the love you showed to the world, deigning to appear in a rustic Grotto to teach the young and happy Bernadette, I beseech you to grant me a share in this same great joy. And as you, O Lady, cause a rich spring of crystal and health-giving waters to gush forth, obtain that Your Divine Son may pour upon my soul the sweetest and most fruitful water of grace to extinguish the love of earthly things and to cleanse my sinful heart, so that I may be worthy of the most pure Joys of heaven.
