An Appeal for Help


By Alexii Alipio

We are currently underway in the repainting of the whole exterior of our dear NSOLL.  The scaffoldings were erected, the first layers of primer coatings are applied, all the cracks are being filled in and smoothened.  We envision a national shrine cloaked in white and blue; and to make someone seeing our church for the first time to say: “That’s a Marian church”. 

Our timetable is to have the church finished by the last week of January 2022, in time for the 25th anniversary of NSOLL as a National Shrine and the Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day in February. 

We are requesting everyone’s financial assistance towards the completion of this project.  As always, whatever amount you can share is neither too big nor too small.  Whatever amount you can share is welcomed and valued. 

Please course your donations through the details below.

Thank you dear NSOLL Parishioners.  We are excited to present to you soon your church, your NSOLL.  All for the love of our dear Lady of Lourdes.  Ave Maria!