The TANGLAW Parenting Workshop


by Suzette F. Custodio

“Being in a family means you are part of something wonderful.  It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life.” – Lisa Weed

          The National Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, through its Family and Life Ministry, welcomed the invitation of the Diocesan Ministry of Family and Life (DMFL) of the Diocese of Cubao to participate in an initiative for parents developed by no other than parents themselves.  Aptly called TANGLAW (Filipino term for Torch/Light) Parenting Workshop, the program aims to illumine parents on practical tips and proven life lessons in dealing with the present circumstances and challenges that families face today.  “No matter how old our children are, they are still our children and so the goal is to strengthen the relationship of parents and children,” says Diocese of Cubao Lay Couple Coordinator Dave and Bessie Rivera.

          The workshop is presented in eight (8) sessions of interestingly varied themes and was developed with every parent in mind whether living together, separated, single or working as an OFW. The sessions are designed to include sharing of experiences, short module presentations and interactive participation through small group discussions.  These are tried and tested formulas to maximize learning while having fun at the same time.

          Initially meant for a face-to-face setup, the unexpected onset of the COVID-19 pandemic did not deter the DMFL team to push through with their plans to conduct their first workshop.  Taking advantage of what technology presents, the online platform was explored. The Tanglaw Parenting Workshop then debuted virtually last October 2020. 

          Currently on its second run, the workshop is held every Monday evening from September 13 until November 8 through the Zoom application. Participating parishes are from the vicariates of San Pedro Bautista and St. Joseph with about 50 regular attendees of parents with children of varying ages.  For those interested, you are most welcome to catch the remaining two sessions.  It is never too late to discover and learn new approaches to become better in our vocation as parents.