Circle of Discernment


by Ruby Macario

7:00 p.m., March 10, 2022 – at the NSOLL Tent

It was a night of discernment – an act where one makes a choice to take the road less travelled or the old familiar route, to go right or left, and to make choices that could affect the future of us as individuals and our country.

It was a night of easy listening and discourse among the 14 participants from various organizations and ministries on what they wanted for themselves and for their country.

It was a night where verbs became purposive: TO SEE what is going on and possibly help reverse the culture of corruption, violence, death and discrimination; TO JUDGE, based on letters that became descriptive words – Character, Commitment, Competence and Compliance – on which to base one’s choices; and TO ACT and make a definite stand by exercising one’s right to vote, wisely.

All these as every one listened to the pastoral guidance of the Most Rev. Honesto Ongtioco DD, the Most Rev. Socrates Villegas DD and the Most Rev. Ambo David DD who explained options open, as heads or as members of organizations.

In the mock election exercises, each one made his individual and independent choices but, in the end, the collective choice was to see with the eyes of God, judge with the mind of God, and act with the power of God.

THANKS to PPC’s OIC Lay Coordinator Bro. Glenn Ricafrente, OIC Asst. Lay Coordinator Sis. Tess Monserrate, and their team, and most especially to Rev. Fr. Jefferson Agustin, OFMCap. who made this interaction possible and worth the time for participating lingkods.

Everyone is enjoined to invite friends, relatives, and associates to this circle of discernment every Thursday night at 7pm, at the NSOLL tent. Share the experience: see, judge, act.

Photos by Alexii Alipio