Diary of Food Distribution by the Capuchin Brothers April 12 – 18, 2020


“Make us worthy Lord, to serve those people throughout the world who live and die in poverty and hunger. Give them, through our hands this day, their daily bread, and by our understanding love, give them peace and joy. Amen.” Saint Teresa of Calcutta

It has been more than a month since Luzon was placed under Enhanced Community Quarantine, and some barangays in the parish have been put under Extreme Enhanced Community Quarantine. The Capuchin Brothers remain relentless in the pursuit to feed the hungry and the forgotten street dwellers in the midst of the harsh environment brought about by the deadly COVID19 virus. Every day last week, with the support of lay volunteers, they personally prepared and delivered at least 150 home-style meals starting with a special Easter Sunday lunch!

April 12 Easter Sunday – BacSiLog with Fruit Salad, bottled water
April 13 Monday – Monggo with Rice, Tuna sandwich, bottled water
April 14 Tuesday – Adobong Baboy with rice, bottled water
April 15 Wednesday – Chicken Tinola with rice, sandwich, bottled water
April 16 Thursday – Chopsuey with rice, sandwich, bottled water
April 17 Friday – Batchoy, Rice, Sandwich, bottled water
April 18 Saturday – Galunggong with rice, salted egg, bottled water

Thank you for the food donations that included: 150 Bacsilog meals with Fruit Salad (Ate Rica’s Bacsilog), 20 sacks of Jasmine rice (Kaagapay Lourdes School Mandaluyong), 10 sacks of 25 kg rice, 2 sacks of 50 kg rice,  2 sacks of vegetables, 50 bags of grocery items (STCQC Batch 2011). Please, keep them coming.

If you wish to help

A financial contribution for this worthy project may be deposited to the Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) Account Number: 0313 1734 37 Account Name: Mission de Padres Capuchinos de Las Islas Filipinas.

For those who wish to give cash donations but have no online facility or are unable to go to the bank, arrangements may be made to pick up your donation.

Donations in kind, like food and water may be entrusted to the guards at LSQC Grade School Kanlaon Gate.

Our heartfelt thanks go to the NSOLL Local Fraternity, the Kapatirang Capuchino ng Pilipinas and our beloved lay volunteers.

“When a poor man dies of hunger, it has not happened because God did not take care of him or her. It happened because neither you nor I wanted to give that person what he or she needed.”  Saint Teresa of Calcutta


Photo Credits: Angie Bautista, Rollie Indiongco